yoni steaming is for every woman


Yoni steaming is a part of my own sensual self-care routine . . . and I am inspired to INSPIRE you to learn YONI STEAMING!

Yoni or Vaginal steaming is a gentle and non-invasive practice that invites you to slow down, open your senses, receive the gift of the steam and the herbs. The ritual of yoni steaming in itself is a wonderful and feminine practice.

Welcome to YONI STEAMING for relaxation and wellness

yoni steaming e-book

With your enrollment, get the 35 page YONI STEAMING E-Book by Ateeka.


You can download this e-book in PDF format and keep it forever!


Some of the subjects covered in the e-book include:

  • what is yoni steaming?
  • safe steaming practices
  • how to choose the herbs & flowers right for you
  • when to steam/not to steam
  • steaming for special purposes
  • after steam rituals and care

Yoni steaming helps to reduce stress, invite deep relaxation of muscle tension, increase circulation (blood flow & etheric) in the pelvic region and aid hormonal balance.

enroll today!

You get immediate access to the entire course

the warmth, the beautiful profume of the herbs & flowers, the time for you!
